10、 -Q173HCPUQ172HCPU 用戶手冊
2. For fire prevention
Install the Motion controller, servo amplifier, servomotor and regenerative resistor on inflammable
material. Direct installation on flammable material
11、 Q170MCPU -Q170MCPU 用戶手冊
Never open the front case or terminal covers while the power is ON or the unit is running, as this
may lead to electric shocks.
Never run the unit with the front case or terminal cover remo
12、 Q64AD -Q64AD, Q68ADV, Q68ADI AD Converter 模塊 用戶手冊 (硬件)
Conversion speed 80 µ s/ channel (When there is temperature drift, the time calculated by
adding 160 µ s will be used regardless of the number of channels used)
Absolute max