
當前位置:首頁 >> 資料下載 >> 三菱 >> MelsecNet/Mini模塊 >> 三菱 70070系列 三菱-70070系列 便攜式說明書(Eng)
三菱 70070系列 三菱-70070系列 便攜式說明書(Eng)
所屬類別:三菱 >> MelsecNet/Mini模塊

A communication error has occurred between controller and drive unit.
- Take measures against noise.
- Check for any failure of the communication cable connectors between controller and drive
unit or between two drive units.
- Check for any failure of the communication cables between controller and drive unit or
between two drive units.
- A drive unit may be faulty. Take a note of the 7-segment LED contents of each drive unit
and contact the Service Center.
- Update the drive unit software version.
(Note) When two or more "Y02 System alarms" occur at the same time, only the alarm which
has occurred first is displayed.

 三菱 70070系列 三菱-70070系列 便攜式說明書(Eng)      三菱 70070系列 三菱-70070系列 便攜式說明書(Eng)