such cases.
• When a failure occurs in a relay, transistor, triac, etc. in the FX2N-2LC or output unit of PLC,
outputs may keep ON or OFF.
For output signals which may lead to severe accidents, design external circuits and the struc-
ture so that the entire system conservatively operates.
Caution on disposal
• When disposing of the unit, treat it as industrial waste.
The temperature control block FX2N-2LC (hereafter referred to as "temperature control block" or "FX2N-2LC")
equipped with two temperature input points and two transistor (open collector) output points is a special
block to control outputs of temperature inputs from thermocouples and platinum resistance thermometer
bulbs by PID control.
Connect the FX2N-2LC to the FX1N/FX2N/FX2NC/FX3U/FX3UC Series PLC.
1) As input sensors, two thermocouples, two platinum resistance thermometer bulbs or one thermocouple
and one platinum resistance thermometer bulb are available.
2) Data can be read and written using FROM/TO instructions when the FX2N-2LC is connected to the
(The FX2N-2LC performs arithmetic operation for PID control and output control. The PLC does not
have to perform such control.)
3) Disconnection of heaters can be detected by current detection.
4) The proportional band, the integral time and the derivative time can be easily set by auto tuning.
5) Channels are isolated from each other.